How do I make an appointment to see you privately?
You can book an appointment with Dr Evans directly via the appointment office of One Hatfield 01707861331 or OSD Healthcare 01442331900. Alternatively you can discuss options with Dr Evans’s private secretary on 01438288932 or 07490632382. If you are using your medical insurance, at some point, you will need a referral letter from your GP.
Can I contact you before my first appointment?
Yes, simply contact my private secretary and she will arrange for me to speak to you.
Can I have an endoscopy or colonoscopy without a clinic appointment?
Yes this is possible, often a prior appointment is helpful to discuss the procedure in advance. If you’re not sure, contact my private secretary on 01438288932 or 07490632382 for further information.
Will my medical insurance pay for my appointment to see you?
Most policies will pay for you to have an initial consultation although there is sometimes an ‘excess’ to pay. If in doubt you should check with your insurer before making an appointment. Remember to bring your insurance details to the first appointment.
If I don't have insurance, can I still see you privately?
Yes, you won’t require a GP’s referral letter in this situation (although it is still worth asking for one) and you can book directly via One Hatfield Hospital 01707861331 or OSD Healthcare 01442331900 or discuss with my private secretary on 01438288932 or 07490632381.
Can I make a NHS appointment to see you?
Yes, if you live in Hertfordshire or South Bedfordshire area, ask your GP to make a referral
What are the procedure codes I need to give to my insurers?
Gastroscopy G6500
Colonoscopy H2002
Flexible sigmoidoscopy H2502
Will my medical insurance pay for my appointment to see you?
The amount of cover provided by each insurer differs, so please check the level of cover your medical insurance provides with your insurer before making an appointment. Remember to bring your insurance details including membership number and any authorisation reference code to the first appointment. Please update us should your insurance details change.
If I require further treatment, who contacts my insurance company to advise them?
It’s your responsibility to contact your insurance company, keep them informed of your treatment and, if required, obtain their authorisation. If necessary, your insurer will then contact us for further information. The insurers may require details of the procedure(s) you need. They are as follows:
Gastroscopy G6500
Colonoscopy H2002
Flexible sigmoidoscopy H2502
If I'm insured, will you invoice my insurance company directly?
Provided you give us your insurance details, we will send all invoices directly to your insurers unless otherwise instructed by you.
What happens if I have an excess or a shortfall on my insurance policy?
There may be an ‘excess’ to pay or fees that your insurers do not cover. If in doubt, please contact your insurers as you’ll need to settle any fees they do not cover. You will be advised by your insurers if an excess has been deducted. Once notified we will ask you to settle the outstanding balance directly with us.
I am an insured patient with an excess to pay. How do you take payment?
To make a payment by credit/debit card, please use the online payment portal on https://www.medserv.co.uk/request.php. If you have queries regarding payment you can call the practice office on 01438288932 or 07490632381 to discuss this.
I have been referred for diagnostic tests. Are the costs of these included in my consultation?
No, please note that blood tests, radiology tests such as CT, MRI or Ultrasound are provided by the hospital directly. Respective costs of these tests can be obtained from One Hatfield Hospital directly on 01707861331 or OSD Healthcare on 01442331900 (depending upon where you are treated). You may prefer to get some preliminary test arranged through your GP and bring them along to your first consultation.